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Éire Vedanta Society


" The essence of Vedanta is that there is only one Being   
and that each soul is that Being completely, 
not part of this Being...."
(CW - 8 , Discourse on Jnana Yoga -2)
Swami Vivekananda   

Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre

The first branch centre of Ramakrishna Order in Ireland

Our Inspiration

The holy lives which have enabled thousands of people to gain or regain faith in God and in the eternal verities of religion.

Swami Vivekananda

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Sarada Devi

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Weekly Lectures

Spiritual Guidance



Inter-faith meets

Spiritual Retreats

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Vivekananda Vedanta Centre, Belfast

Vivekananda Vedanta Centre, Limerick

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The  Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre is a non-profit organisation wholly supported by the generous 

contributions from members, devotees and friends like you. We depend on those we serve. 

 All donations are thankfully accepted and acknowledged.


Your participation and collaboration are important for the development of the Centre in Dublin,  

dedicated to the study of the Vedantic principles of the Divinity of the Soul and Excellence in

Human, in the light of the message of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda. 

All these activities are conducted in a spirit of service - service to God in all.



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Visit us
Contact us:
Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre
Éire Vedanta Society
Nivedita House
17 Dromheath Gardens
Dublin, D15 E762.

Republic of Ireland


+353 83 014 1531 or 

+353 89 456 5917



Google map

How to reach:

The closest bus stop to Nivedita House is Castlecurragh, 

The Heath (Dublin Bus Stop numbers 4996 and 4997). 

This stop is connected via Bus routes 38, 38a and 38b.


We are located right opposite to the Ladyswell 

National School, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15



Eire Vedanta Society offers courses, workshops and programs on Vedanta Workshop, Meditation Workshop, Enneagram, Dream interpretation, Silent Retreat and other topics. Participants share their positive experiences and feedback on the courses they attended.
When I was going through a very difficult phase of my life, I discovered the Éire Vedanta centre in Dublin. I have found great solace in speeches of Swami Shantivratananda. His explanations on Bhagavadgita´s message has given new direction to my life. The message of Vedanta is inspiring and clear.

Emmet Dunne
Being able to visit the Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre (Ashrama)  regularly is a great Blessing of Sri Ramakrishna for a devotee. Though our Dublin Ashrama is young in age, it is quite lively and vibrant in spirit, enthusiasm and  activities. Here, we as devotee volunteers get the chance to serve the Lord in various capacities and according to one's temperament. We also get to learn about the Vedanta Philosophy in a very systematic way through Rev. Swami Shantivratananda ji's classes, who is the present Minister-in-Charge there. 

Swamiji encourages healthy debates, and the post class discussions are very lively too. His logical analysis and step by step explanations are very enlightening and helpful in clearing doubts. He gives many interesting and practical examples, which help us to get clarity on our confusions and it grows our understanding of various philosophical concepts. His classes on  Swami Vivekananda's Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and philosophical texts on Drk-Drsya Vivek,Tattva Bodha have been very interesting, useful, inspiring and  discussions are not just confined to after class interactions, but also continue beyond to our friendly group discussions outside the ashrama. This also used to be the case with the previous Minister-in-Charge Rev. Swami Vimokshananda ji's classes on Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and on Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi.

Many enjoyable activities take place  in the ashrama. For example, many of us come to offer the volunteering services of cleaning, doing floral decorations at the shrine, gardening or bringing food for the sadhus (monks). We also get the opportunity of receiving personal spiritual counseling. 

The Sunday bhajans, guided mediations, and chanting sessions are becoming very popular, as it has a long lasting impression on the mind, and gives  immense mental boost and strength. 

Swami Shantivratananda ji is excellent in organising various events in the ashrama. For example, to celebrate the birthdays of the Holy Trio, Sr Nivedita, Shiva Ratri or Kali Puja, he attracts  young enthusiastic devotees by conducting competitive quiz contest on scriptures, on life and work of great saints, or gita chanting competitions etc. along with very traditional puja and devotional services. 

Since our association to the ashrama in Dublin from its inception, we are blessed to observe how The Holy Trio ( Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ma Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda) are bringing genuine seekers of spirituality from various backgrounds under Their shelter. May this Centre of Ramakrishna Mission in Dublin flourish in its Spiritual Fervour under the Direct Guidance of the Holy Trio, through the spiritual leadership of the monks of this order, and participation of true spiritual seekers, is our sincere prayer.

Dr Malabika Basu
My dear spiritual teacher Swami Veetamohananda (my diksha guru in France) entered Mahasamadhi on 7th November 2019. Then came the Covid period that was very challenging. Inspite of these  events my spiritual journey had to continue.
During these times Swami Shantivratananda's many lectures, particularly those on the upanishads along with celebrations and  devotional chants of Arati, came as a support to my spiritual path.  Some inspiring thoughts are still with me today. 
I feel that the the pure and strong presence of Swami Shantivratananda and recieving the teachings of the vedas and being in association with the holy family of Sri Ramakrishna as a real blessing. May the Divine Mother give us the strength and courage to continue our efforts.
Avec Tout Mon Amour . 
Om shanti;                                                         
Parvathi (Valérie Marabout)
It is a great blessing to come in touch with Swami Shantivratanandaji. The guidance of a holy monk in the life of householder devotees is highly valuable & beneficial. Swamiji is passionate to share the knowledge of Vedanta, highly energetic, and amicable. His art of giving simple speeches with good anecdotes keeps the kids minds engaged in spiritual thought.  Swamiji conducts speeches online and visits Belfast devotees once in two months.  His ability to explain complex concepts in simple words has helped in my path of sadhana. The topics that he chooses are inspiring. I take away valuable lessons every time I listen to him & with each interaction.
Forever in debt to Sri Thakur, Ma, and Swami Vivekananda for his presence in Ireland & in our lives.

Sraddha (Lives in Belfast with family)
Swami Shantivratananda is an excellent lecturer and has been a great help to me. He particularly has great knowledge in the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta. He shows great humour and cracks jokes bringing a lively atmosphere when conducting his lectures. He is a shining example of a monk in the Ramakrishna mission always referring to Ramakrishna when I ask for guidance on a particular topic. I consider him a great friend and teacher and I am very lucky to have come in contact with him. My life has honestly greatly improved from being in contract with him.

Kristian Mooney
Swami Shantivratanda-ji recently accepted an invitation to give two classes on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 at my home shala in Naas. The classes were enthusiastically attended by a group of local yoga students/teachers. Everyone  enjoyed the chanting and explanations given by Swami-ji and will remember these classes as an inspiring event for all. We are continuing our studies of this chapter and when we are ready we will again request further teachings/guidance of a another chapter of the Gita when Swami-ji's schedule allows.  

Sri Gurubhyo Namah   
Paul  Whelan 

....I attended the "Enneagram and Essence of Truth" course in 2021. The content and delivery was "exceptional". This programme, which is Swami Purnananda’s unique presentation, seamlessly connects our essential spiritual dimension to the psychological Enneagram. The course was both uplifting and practical in equal measure.

Swami Purnananda is an outstanding educator who makes concepts and content easily understandable. He is very much in tune with the attendee's abilities and their stage of understanding.

Being part of this course was a wonderful experience and great fun. 

Tom O'Mahony, Dublin, Ireland 

I have attended all of the courses offered by Éire Vedanta Society. The first course I attended was "Enneagram and the Essence of Truth". I thought about it for about 6 years before registering. It has been absolutely life changing for me.

It has become invaluable to my life now.

The dream interpretation course was revelationary and I continue to partake in the ongoing follow up review sessions. I received immense insight from the retreat weekends and appreciated the practical guidance for daily life which led me to follow through with the Meditation course which, in turn, provided me with clear, simple and practical steps to take to maximise my meditative experience. 

Jean McGuinness, from Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland

I attended my first meditation workshop in 2019 with Swami Purnananda at EVS Dublin. At that time, I did not know much about meditation. When I attended the meditation workshop the first time, I learned a lot: about the purpose, types of meditation and techniques for meditation etc.

Swami Purnananda is a great teacher, with lots of patience, wisdom, experience and good humour. I decided to give it a try and practice meditation twice a day, usually mornings, before the start of the day and in the evening, before going to bed. I am happy to say that meditation practice is now part of my daily routine.

It is a great practice for getting to know ourselves better, put things into perspective and allow the mind to be calm and focused.

​This, in turn, reduces worry, anger and anxiety. I attended the meditation workshop for the second time in 2022 and I found it wonderful. I could see the transformation in my practice. I could also clearly experience the benefits and the impact this workshop has had on my life. The meditation workshop with Swami Purnananda is wonderful and life changing !

Georgiana Ifrim, Dublin

My name is John, I first came to Eire Vedanta Society a little over two years ago. At that time, I was developing an interest in philosophy and meditation. At the time, I had no idea that this was going to lead me on an incredible spiritual journey. This experience has brought about the most amazing and profound changes in my life.


I met the Revered Swami Punananda (who is now my spiritual teacher) who was more than willing to answer some of my questions. The more questions he answered, the more that arose in my mind but the ever patient and most loving Swami Punananda is still, to this day, addressing the philosophical enquiries of his congregation. This journey has led me to participate in some of the most invaluable courses which are led by Swamiji at the Ashram in Mulhuddart, Dublin. We recently completed a two-day meditation course, which has opened a whole new spectrum of life, allowing me to concentrate on the real Self within and freedom from the bondage of mind.  Life has changed so much for me as I detach more and more daily from desire for worldly possessions and attach more and more to that Self, which is in all beings.


​Other courses which I have completed at the Ashram include Enneagram and the Essence of Truth and Dream Interpretation. I feel it was through the Grace of God that I was led to the Ashram and into the loving care of Swami Punananda. If you are a spiritual seeker, I hope that someday you would take a similar journey too. 

John Cunningham, a spiritual seeker

Basil Conroy from Dublin shares his thoughts about the 2 decades of association with the Society

Padraig O Hara from the UK shares his experience about the 2 day "Silent Retreat"

Mary Reynolds from Dublin shares her experience after the 2 day "Silent Retreat"

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